“Projekt Q’ewar
In Andahuaylillas, einem kleinen Dorf südlich von Cusco, haben Lucy
Terrazas und Julio Herrera im Oktober 2000 ein kleines Frauenprojekt
ins Leben gerufen. Ihr Ziel ist es, die Abwanderung in die Slums der
Grossstädte zu stoppen und langfristig den Frauen die Verantwortung des
Projektes zu übergeben.
Q’ewar Projekt Mit sieben Frauen aus den untersten sozialen Schichten
begannen sie aus natürlichen Materialien Stoffpuppen für den Verkauf
Das Projekt Qewar befindet sich in einem kleinen Dorf in den Anden Perus.
Dort stellen Frauen aus armen Verhältnissen Stoffpuppen und
Alpakakleider her. Sie haben hier die Möglichkeit diese tollen Produkte
zu kaufen.
If you are looking for free and low cost volunteering opportunities in Central or South America then look no further… Volunteer Latin America provides hundreds of affordable volunteer work opportunities.
Through the most generous donations from the Flower Essence Society, headquartered in Nevada City, CA,USA, the Q’ewar Project is able to give Flower Essence Therapy to those ladies in the Project who so choose. Please see the link to the Flower Essence Society.
“… A truly humanitarian gift of Medicine to the Peruvian People
Dr. Carlos Sanchez
Since 1970, the year of the big Peruvian Earthquake, where upwards of 40,000 were lost, Dr. Carlos Sanchez has been going back to the Jungles of Peru to help his people at the place of his roots.
The native people living in the remote villages in the mountains and along the Amazon and other rivers that feed it are somehow left out for medical attention. So Dr. Sanchez has organized small medical teams from the US and Peru along with donated medicines and equipment to make a difference in their lives and perhaps renew their hope. Lives are being saved by him and other caring physicians from around the world who have heard this special calling…”