April, 2007
Dear Friends,
At the end of March the Q’ewar on-line Store was revised and updated. Take a look! One note – the photographs are of purchase categories and the text reflects what is actually available to buy. It is not possible at this point to continually change the photos depending on stock. We hope all our customers will understand! We will do our very best, however, to keep the text up to date!
The biggest news in March was the confirmation that through the marvelous efforts of our deeply committed Q’ewar friends in Europe, there are now funds to implement the construction of a schoolhouse on the Q’ewar property for Wawa Munakuy. These funds include an outdoor area for games and play. The Foundation is also providing money to buy needed equipment and furniture.
Additionally, through the efforts and continued work of Doll Distributor JoAnne and Ms. Margret, the grand dame of Q’ewar in the U.S.A. – a group of volunteer architects are going to supervise the new construction. This group has already visited the Q’ewar Project and have made preliminary plans on site.
It looks like the dream of having a real school for the children of the Q’ewar workers will soon be a reality. Since the founding of the Q’ewar Project, Julio and Lucy have nurtured this dream of providing the next generation of Peruvians with schooling which will serve and help them truly fulfill their individual destinies.
Special thanks to Heidi in Switzerland. The Q’ewar website video she made of the Project in its first years has truly affected many people – to open their generous hearts in support of the work of Q’ewar. We are truly grateful to her for all her efforts in procuring funds from this Foundation. We are grateful too for all those friends and volunteers from so many countries who are continuing to help and support the work of this great social initiative.
May this coming together of so many diverse peoples around the globe continue to aid the sterling work that Julio and Lucy began some five years ago!
Warmest regards and thanks to all our friends!
Julio, Lucy and Carmen